

Taman Nusa located at Taman Bali Street, Blahpane Kelod Sub-village, Sidan Village, Gianyar Sub-district, Gianyar Regency, Bali. Taman Nusa is a new tourism object. For some of you who like to have documentation of photos or video here is the right place. No need around Indonesia only to pose in front of a tradtional house, to know the art culture of Nusantara, or greet the native of local area, in Taman Nusa Bali you could do it. Taman Nusa Bali as a new tourist attraction that opened in July 2013 have green atmosphere and the cool air. Visitors will not get bored here for a holiday in the very nice scenery and spots for taking beautiful pictures in front of traditional house or posing with local ethnic people, for example people from Papua or Papuan tribes.

Taman Nusa is a tourist park in Indonesian culture in miniature. Because, more than 50 traditional houses of the tribes in Nusantara is now found in one place in an area of 15 hectares. Travellers have a chance to explore and enjoy panoramic view of the passage of time the Indonesian Nation, from prehistoric, Bronze Age, The Royal Era, The early days of Indonesia, The Independence Era, the present and end up in the future Indonesia expectations. 

For those of you who have not stopped there certainly have not know there was a " twin " Mini park in Bali.

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