Monday, December 26, 2016 - 0 komentar


Uluwatu Temple is located at Pecatu Village, South Kuta Sub-district, Badung Regency. The temple has an appeal because the scenery around this temple is very intriguing. The temple is built at the edge of high and steep rock which juts into the sea and a height about 70 meters. From this temple we can enjoy beatiful sunset. The main purpose of tourists come here to see the beauty of sunset, kecak dance, and uniqueness of the temple. 

Uluwatu Temple have function as a place to worship the God Rudra. Uluwatu Temple is believed by Hindus as a buffer of 9 wind direction or so-called " Sad Kahyangan " temple. According to history, the temple was built at the instigation of Mpu Kuturan around the eleventh century, as a place to bring down the teachings of traditional village with all the rules, and then the temple used to worship by a holy priest that named Dang Hyang Nirartha, a holy priest from Java, come to spread the teachings of Hinduism in 1546 AD, during the reign of Dalem Waturenggong King in Gelgel Kingdom.

Uluwatu Temple is one of popular tourism object and become a mandatory destination during your visit in Bali. At the temple area there is a stage where Kecak Dance performance is held every afternoon, with background of beautiful sunset makes it a spectacular show, with accompanied by a group of dancers numbering about 50 men. If you are holidays in Bali, take your time to enjoy the sunset at Uluwatu with Kecak Dance entertainment.
Thursday, December 15, 2016 - 2 komentar


Pura Goa Lawah ( Bat Cave Temple ) located at Pesinggahan Village, Dawan Sub-district, Klungkung Regency approximately 1 hour drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport. From the thousands number of temples in Bali, one of which is Bat Cave Temple ( Pura Goa Lawah ). The temple stands at the junction between the beach and the hills with a cave inhabited by thousands of bats. Pura Goa Lawah ( Bat Cave Temple ) is an area that is sacred and beautiful. There's a blend of sea and mountains. As of its name, in this temple there is a cave inhabited by thousands of bats. The thundering sound of the bat is relentless, in the morning, at noon even at night. In an eyewink, tens, hundreds, or even thousands of bats fly. There is hanging, jostle on the walls of the cave. Sounded so boisterous like an eternal nature chant of all time. 

If we look back on megalithic era, where at that time in addition to respect the power of the mountain as a power of nature that have been fused with ancestors who have supernatural powers, also respect the power of the sea in addition to other natural powers, such as large rocks, caves, rivers, springs and more. In essence, the cult of the god of Mount or the god of the sea, have actually include the worship of nature powers that in fact respect very complete. On that basis, the temple was originally very simple, now better known as a nature force that is united with the magical power of the ancestors. The sea in front of the temple, now fused with all the power that is respected and revered by community in order to obtain peace and prosperity. On the basis of this concept, Hindu followers in Bali venerate the mountain and the sea as a source of livelihood. Glorifying the mountain and the sea does not mean Hindus worship the mountain and the sea, but that is revered is Hyang Widhi in their role as mountain protector and sea possessor.

Bat Cave Temple ( Pura Goa Lawah ) is very interesting to visit because it is located off the coast with views of Nusa Penida Island in the distance with a beautiful black sandy beaches. Occasionally on the beach tourist can see traditional ceremony that makes this tourism object is worth to visit with your family during the holiday in Bali.